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Wastewater Service

Do you have a question about your wastewater service?
Do you know if you are a wastewater customer?

Call our friendly Customer Service Team to help.


York Water’s Wastewater Service

We serve our community’s needs with eight wastewater treatment plants and three wastewater collection systems.

What Is Wastewater?

Wastewater is the water that flows down the drain and into a sewer system. 

Wastewater collection systems move, or convey, the flow of wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant. There, wastewater is cleaned and sanitized. Clean water is released back into the environment.

Learn more about wastewater

Select a topic from the list below to learn more about wastewater.

Emergency?  Contact our emergency line.

York Water’s Wastewater Services

Prevent Clogged Pipes and Backups

Wastewater Emergency Line

If you experience a wastewater problem in your home, contact a plumber or drain cleaning service. A trusted plumber will be able to quickly and effectively solve most drain issues. If the plumber determines the cause of the problem is in the street, please contact our emergency line at the numbers below.

Regular Business Hours

Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.


After Hours

Weekends & Weekdays after 5 p.m.


York Water's Wastewater Services

Our Wastewater Facts

10 Wastewater Service Territories
5,900 Wastewater Customers
250,000 Gallons of Wastewater Treated Per Day
540,000 Gallons Per Day Treatment Capacity

Service Territories

York Water provides wastewater service in these areas:

  • East Manchester Township’s Asbury Point, York County
  • East Prospect Borough/Lower Windsor Township, York County
  • Felton Borough, York County
  • Greene Township, Franklin County
  • Hamilton Township, Franklin County
  • Jacobus Borough, York County
  • Letterkenny Township, Franklin County
  • Springfield Township, York County
  • Straban Township, Adams County
  • Washington Township, York County
  • West Donegal Township, Lancaster County
  • West Manheim Township, York County
  • West York Borough, York County

To learn about your wastewater rates, click here to view our wastewater tariff.

Wastewater Treatment

Our collection systems efficiently transport wastewater from homes and businesses to our treatment plants.

Our treatment plants use advanced technologies to remove contaminants from wastewater, including physical, chemical, and biological processes.

At each of our treatment plants we do the following:

  • Screen out large objects like sticks, rags, and other debris.
  • Remove sludge.
  • Remove solid particles in the sedimentation process.
  • Biologically treat the water to break down organic wastes.
  • Disinfect and sterilize water so that it can be released back into the environment.
  • Release clean water that is safe for all living organisms back into the environment.

Prevent Clogged Pipes and Backups

Fat, Oil, Grease and Flushable Products

Don’t pour fats, oils, or grease down the drain. They cause costly clogs and even sewer backups!

If you flush a “flushable” wipe or hygiene product down the commode, the problem can get even bigger! Fat, oil, and grease cling to flushable products and create stubborn clogs.

Keep your pipes clog-free with these easy tips.

  • Soak up small amounts of cooking byproducts. Soak up leftover fats, oils, and grease with paper towels, and dispose of them in your regular trash.
  • Dispose of large amounts of cooking byproducts in the trash. Pour fats, cooking oils, or grease into a container with a lid. Refrigerate it until it hardens, and dispose of it in your regular trash.
  • Minimize the use of your garbage disposal. Put food scraps in the garbage.
  • Discard flushable* items in the trash.
  • Don’t pour fats, oils, and grease down the drain.
  • Don’t pour fats, oils, and grease into the garbage disposal.
  • Don’t flush flushable* wipes or hygiene products down the drain.

* Did you know that when an item is labeled “flushable,” the label just means that the item will fit down a drain? These items DO NOT break down in drains, wastewater systems, or private septic systems.

Who is responsible for a clog or backup?

The property owner is responsible. Owners must keep the wastewater service line clear between the building and the sewer main. If you are a renter, check your lease or contact your landlord to find who is responsible for the service line.

Will insurance cover a backup?

Check your insurance policy for sewage backup and flooding coverage. It is smart to include this coverage in your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. If you are unsure if you are covered for this type of damage, contact your insurance agent.